최고의 석학들은 어떤 질문을 할까?

미하이 칙센트미하이, 필립 코틀러, 스튜어트 프리드먼, 권터 슈미트, 러셀 버만 지음
웅진지식하우스 | 2014-07-04 출간
미하이 칙센트미하이, 필립 코틀러, 귄터 슈미트, 스튜어트 프리...

- 가장 중요한 것은 질문을 멈추지 않는 것이다. 호기심은 그 자체만으로도 존재 이유가 된다. 영원성, 생명, 현실의 놀라운 구조를 숙고하는 사람은 경외감을 느끼게 된다. 매일 이러한 비밀의 실타래를 한가닥씩 푸는 것으로 족하다. 신성한 호기심을 절대 잃지 마라. (아인슈타인)
- Why am I doing this? (미하이 칙센트미하이)
- Would you like to be able to take herotic action when faced with a challenging situation? (긴박한 상황에 닥쳤을 때, 영웅적 행동을 할 수 있을 것 같은가?, 필립 짐바르도)
- How do you know whether to continue pursuing a problem or career plan, or to switch to something else in the hope that you will have more success with a different approach or a difficult career? (지금 하고 있는 일을 계속하면 성공하리라는 것을 어떻게 알 수 있는가? 반대로 인생의 방향을 바꾸려 한다면, 그게 더 나은 성공을 위한 것임을 또 어떻게 알 수 있는가?, Saul Levmore)
- If you could commit yourself to becoming an expert in one new skill, what would that skill be? (Philip Kotler)
- Am I doing what I most need to be doing right now? Am I being who I most want to be right now? (Peter Bregman)
- What choices do you eally need in life to improve your situation? What choices are trivial such that you should stop making them? (Sheena Ivengar)
- Suppose someone gave you enough money to accomplish anything you have the desire and ability to accomplish. What would that be? (Robert Root-Bernstein)
- Who was the most important teacher in your life? (Laurence Steinberg)
- What one small change can you make now, without asking permission of anyone? (Steward D. Friedman)
- Did I act responsible related to one other person or to several other persons to overcome their difficulties? (Gunther Schmid)
- If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would? (Chris Guillebeau)
- How do you treat those that can do nothing for you? 9Joe Navarro)
- Am I getting the most hapiness out of spending this money? (Michael Norton)
- If my life were about to end, what would be my best memories? (Marvin L. Cohen)
- Do you hold any beliefs that are so sacred, nothing could induce you to renounce them? (매우 신성하다고 믿기 때문에 아예 비판조차 불가능한 믿음을 갖고 있는가?, Harvey Whitehouse)
- Why is it important to control anger and stop yourself from doing something mean to another person? (Temple Grandin)
- Have you spent enough time thinking through your big question? (Tom Hulme)
- What is your super-power? (George Church)
- What would the costs be if it did not work out? And could I tolerate those costs? (Oliver Burkeman)
- How often are you working out of your current zone? (Liz Wiseman)
- What rule do I want break today? (Andrea Kuszewski)
- When's th last time you took a break from tour routine and allowed your brain to truly, completely refresh? (Danah Boyd)
- Am I doing this? If not, how can I position myself so that I can be doing this? (이 일을 하고 있나? 안하면 어떻게 될까? 이 이을 하려면, 나는 어떤 위치에 있어야 할까?, Yoky Matsuoka)
- How do I know that it is really true? What is the evidence? (Judith Rich Harris)
- Do you know what you really want? (Hermann Simon)
- Ask tourself if you are trying out new things that make you uncomfortable often enough. What have you recently tried that you way beyond your comfort zone? (Alexander Ostwalder)
- Can you make right decisions that can chage your life and gave you true freedom? (Peter Arvai)
- Did the people around you today teach you anything meaningful? (Edward Glaeser)
- Rather than regret your past, ask yourself: Why did I make that choice at that time I made it? (Gary Cox)
- Have I done anything today that was really not for myself, but rather to improve someone else's life? Have I had any original, 'outside the box' thought today? (Mario Livio)
- What would make me uncomfortable to attemt right now? (Chris Brogan)
- What is the best way to mentally handle a failure, setback or severe disappointment? (실패, 퇴보, 또는 심각한 절망을 정신적으로 다룰 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법은 무엇인가?, Mark Goulstone)
- If you could wave a magic wand and achieve any one goal within 24 hours, which one goal would have the greast positive impact on your life? (Brian Tracy)
- How does one lose oneself and find something in today's world? (현대사회에서 자시자신에게 몰입하여 어떤 깨달음을 얻을 수 있는 방법으로는 무엇이 있을까?, Simon Critchley)
- Are you deliberating between too narrow a group of choices, simply for ease of comparison? (Rory Sutherland)
- What would the other person say? How would the other person descrobe it to their friends? (Sam Gosling)
- What is that inner voice saying to me? (Geoff Colvin)
- I'm unhappy because I want something I can't get. What part of this problem is beyond my control, and what part is within my control? (내가 불행한 것은 가질 수 없는 것을 원하기 때문이다. 그렇다면 내가 통제할 수 없는 부분은 무엇이고, 통제할 수 있는 부분은 무엇인가?, William Duggan)
- What are my biggest regret in life? (Michelle Rhee)
- How have you set aside time today/this week/this month to invest in yourself? (Charlene Li)
- Why look to such a question from other people when you need to find it within yourself? (Henry Mintzberg)
- Does the work you are doing make you happy? (Catherine Mohr)
- What's the real challenge here for you? (Michael Bungay Stanier)
- Do you feel like you have enough time in your day? (Kelvin L. Keller)
- Is there anything I'm doing, that I have not chosen to do? (John Mather)
- When you attempt to do something and don't get the result you want, do you consider it a faulure? (Michael Michalko)
- Are my dreams of important contrubutions to the good of others stopping me from taking steps now? (Steven Hayes)
- Do you believe that many of the obstacles you face have, in a sense, been created by you in order to challenge you and take you into successively higher orbits of performance, achievements and inner contentment? (Anand Mahindra)
- What do you want to know about yourself? What questions would you ask? (Manfred F.R.Kets de Vries)
- When is the alast time that you deliberately reflected (Babara Kelleman)
- What story do you hope people will tell about you? (Gaary Klein)
- What did I dou today to improve the world? (Russell Berman)
- When you are going to depart this life, what you will tell yourself that you have left the world with? (삶을 거두며 함께 가지고 가고 싶은 것이 무엇인가? Shai Reshef)
- What is your deepst fantasy of what you'd to be doing in this world? (David Allen)
- What should you finish important takes early? (Alfred Reman Mele)
- If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? (Daniel Will-Harris)
- Do I know everything that I could have known about this deal? (나는 이 거래에 관한 모든 사항을 알고 있는가? Vikas Swarup)
- Do you refrain from undertaking projects because you think they won't matter in 1000 years? (John Allen Paulos)
- Imagine that you can create an eternal consciousness playlist' for life after death. (지금 이순간을 죽고 난 다음에도 기억하고 싶을까? Thomas Metzinger)


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Posted by dalai